Friday, 11 November 2011

Don't Worry... I Know People

Yesterday, we had one of the most constructive and interesting classes that I have experienced so far. Our teacher brought in a bunch of the people from last year’s graduating class and got them to share their success stories and to give us tips and advice on making it on our own career paths.
Our teacher had the alumni seated beside each other, facing us in a line, in a panel style meeting. This wasn’t the part that I what enthusiastic about. Frank asked them the usual questions: hat mistakes they made, how they got where they are today, and what kind of work and volunteer experience they have. It kind of felt like they were repeating themselves a lot, but they still made some interesting points.

 At the halfway point of the class, we switched up the meeting style. Instead of the alumni being up front, they were now leading six intimate group sessions with the people in our class. My group was being led by a woman named Mellissa Kutz(  She has a very impressive resume and she was very informative with her advice. She really wanted to know what I was that each person in the group was aspiring towards. One of the main things that she said would help further your career is to expand my network and gain contacts.
Hopefully I can achieve this through my blog, and other social networking that I do, as well as advertising for different volunteer work that I hope to begin doing more of soon.

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